Ningshing Holdings Held its 5th Party Congress - Company News - News &Events - NINGBO NINGSHING TRADING GROUP INC


Ningshing Holdings Held its 5th Party Congress - Company News - News &Events - NINGBO NINGSHING TRADING GROUP INC

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Ningshing Holdings Held its 5th Party Congress

Date : 2019-11-22 15:24:47Views :

      On the afternoon of November 21, 2019, the Fifth Congress of the Communist Party of Ningshing Holdings was ceremoniously held in Ningbo  Xinriyue hotel. A total 78 party representatives from all the general branches and party branches attended the conference.

      The conference was presided over by Huang Yongzeng, member of the Party committee and President of Ningshing Holdings.

      First of all, Chairman Wu Yigang delivered a speech and expressed warm congratulations on the opening of the Congress. He said that in the past six years, the Party committee of the company had conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 18th and 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, closely focused on the innovation and development of the company, conscientiously performed its duties, actively explored new ways and methods of Party construction, and fully played a battleground role in the development of Ningshing. He pointed out that the party construction and corporate culture construction of the company had formed the unique advantages of Ningshing holdings, which became an important part of Ningshing's core competitiveness. He also hoped that the party organizations at all levels of the company would focus on promoting the development of the enterprise, recognizing the situation, unifying their thinking, and meeting high standards and strict requirements, strengthening the party building work, and providing a strong organizational guarantee for creating a new situation for the development of the company.

      At the meeting, Gao Ping, secretary of the party committee and vice chairman of Ningshing holdings, on behalf of the Communist Party of China Ningshing Holdings Committee, made a work report entitled "Revolve around the Center, Grasp the overall situation, Keep the mission in mind, forge ahead with the action, strive hard to create a new situation for innovation and development of Ningshing holdings". The report reviewed the main work and achievements of Ningshing Holdings since the Fourth Party Congress from six aspects: first, highlighting ideological guidance and stimulating innovation activity; second, consolidating the foundation of party building and improving grass-roots organization; third, grasping the team building and creating a high-quality team; fourth, deepening the construction of corporate culture and enhancing corporate cohesion; fifth, deepening the establishment of civilization and highlighting corporate social responsibility; sixth, playing the role of trade unions, youth leagues, women’s federations and mass organizations and deepening the establishment of harmonious enterprise. The report also put forward the next step work for the company’s party building: hold the great banner for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, play the role on the political core and organizational guarantee of the party organization, clarify the direction of the party, pay attention to the interests of the whole, take on the mission, carry out the implementation, strengthen learning and upgrading, build a strong organization, promote cultural construction, build an excellent team, and unite and lead party members and cadres to create a new prospect for corporate innovation and development.

      The Fifth Committee of the Communist Party of Ningshing Holdings was elected in the conference, which was composed of five members, namely, Gao Ping, Huang Yongzeng, Yang Xiaojun, Wang Wentong and Zhang Lei. The Fifth Discipline Inspection Committee was elected three members, namely, Yang Xiaojun, Wu Xueyong and Lu Xiaonai. Through the approval of the first plenary meeting of the new party committee and discipline inspection commission, Gao Ping was elected as the secretary of the party committee and Yang Xiaojun was elected as the secretary of the discipline inspection commission.

      Gao Ping, secretary of the party committee, made a speech on behalf of the new party committee of the company. She said that the new Party committee has a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission. All members of the group should shoulder the trust, enhance the responsibility and mission, strengthen the learning ability, be diligent, pragmatic and practical, be strict with self-discipline, strive to build a leading group with ideal pursuit, responsibility, unity and cooperation, strong style, vigorous and enterprising.

      At the end of the conference, Professor Zheng Xiangjuan, vice president of Party School of Ningbo Municipal Committee, was invited to give a lecture on the theme of "Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind", and all members of the party comprehensively and systematically studied Xi Jinping's thought and theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.

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